

Rehabilitation is carried out using well researched measures of re-vegetation, as the means whereby land-forms post mining, are returned to their natural state according to closure criteria. These measures are carried out in order to stabilise the land-form, prevent erosion and assist regeneration of natural ecosystems.

The objective of land rehabilitation is to create a structurally stable land-form capable of future productive use that takes account of water and sediment, flora and fauna and soils. It is a comprehensive process that involves ordering the overburden material, land contouring, seeding and regeneration.

Land contouring controls runoff and ensures a stable slope. Topsoil is spread over the contoured area, re-seeded and treated as specified within approved planning. Associated ancillary works are also concluded at this time to facilitate monitoring programmes that are developed post rehabilitation works.

Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineering deals with environmental remediation, including treatment of chemical, biological, purification of water and air. It deals with hazardous waste management and remediation of contaminated sites after waste disposal or from accidental contamination. Within any proposed development and when required, a descriptor of any archaeology and or buildings listed as protected structures within the proposed campus curtilage is central to all site works within our remit.